Safety and Quality Policy

BIEMME and RADIOSYSTEM have chosen to adopt a Quality Management System according to the UNI EN ISO 9001, UNI EN ISO 13485 and, for RADIOSYSTEM only, ISO / TS 22163 standards as their way of operating and as a primary management tool for all company departments.

In line with the strategic line aimed at diversifying the customer base, the Management has formulated its POLICY for QUALITY and SAFETY aiming to ensure the complete satisfaction of Customers, new and consolidated, guaranteeing high quality and safety of its products and services offered in compliance with the applicable legislative framework.

These policies materialize through:

The implementation of the Quality Management System plays a fundamental role for business processes and constitutes a precise point of reference for all the people who work there.

BIEMME and RADIOSYSTEM QUALITY POLICY is closely related to product safety and has the strategic objective of reducing problems relating to this key aspect.

BIEMME and RADIOSYSTEM operate, at all levels, to ensure the physical and moral integrity of their collaborators, working conditions that respect individual dignity and safe and healthy work environments, in full compliance with the information in force on the subject.

For this reason, they evaluate all the risks for the safety and health of workers, also in the choice of work equipment and in the design and arrangement of workplaces and carry out their activities in technical, organizational, and economic conditions such as to ensure adequate accident prevention and a suitable and safe working environment.

The Employer, the Managers, the Supervisors, the Workers, RSPP and RLS, contribute to the process of risk prevention and protection of health and safety towards themselves, colleagues and third parties. The companies are committed to maximum collaboration and transparency with public and control bodies.

The Quality System Manager is also appointed as Management Representative, with the faculty and authority necessary to ensure the implementation of this Quality and Safety Policy and for the management activities having a direct nfluence on Quality.

Filago, March 2024