
BM not only grants quality on finished products and raw materials but also on the entire productive process, certified by international certification bodies.

BM is certified in agreement with norms ISO 9001, ISO 13485 (Quality management system for medical devices), and ISO/TS 22163 IRIS (Quality management system for railway applications) and operates according to IPC and UL standards.

From raw materials to the finished product, thanks to a dedicated bar code system, we can follow the path of the product and the process quality throughout the entire production flow. BM constantly pursues improving the efficiency of its quality system in order to increase customer satisfaction, efficiency, and the skills of its collaborators.

BM GROUP certifications:
> ISO 9001
> ISO 13485

BM certifications:
> ISO 9001
> ISO 13485

Radiosystem certifications:
> ISO 9001
> ISO 13485

> ISO-TS 22163